Python Programming For Beginners


In this course, you will learn the basics of Python programming and how to access it through the command line interface.





In this course, you will learn the basics of Python programming and how to access it through the command line interface. You will be introduced to the key concepts in Python such as variables, data types and strings, operators, and lists. You will understand the role of each concept and how they can be used in programming.

Additionally, you will learn about Booleans in Python, which are used to represent true and false values. The course will give you the opportunity to practice using Booleans in different scenarios, so you can feel comfortable using them in your own projects.

Furthermore, the course will include a class project where you can apply all the concepts that you have learned throughout the course, this will help you to solidify your understanding and build more confidence in your Python programming skills. The goal of this course is to provide you with a strong foundation in Python and help you advance your coding skills.


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