Advanced Python Programming


In this course, you will learn about advanced features of Python 3 including the command line interface (CLI) and installation.





In this course, you will learn about advanced features of Python 3 including the command line interface (CLI) and installation. You will work with data structures such as lists, tuples, sets, and dictionaries, deepening your understanding of these tools and how to use them effectively in your work or projects.

You will also cover control flow and loops, including Python If…Else and While loops. These concepts will help you control the flow of your Python scripts and automate repetitive tasks. Furthermore, you will complete a class project which will put your skills to the test and help you solidify your understanding of the material covered.

Finally, the course will conclude with a review and wrap-up of the material covered. This will provide you with an opportunity to summarize what you’ve learned and reflect on the progress you’ve made during the course. Overall, this course will deepen your understanding of Python 3 and give you the skills to use it more effectively in your work or projects.


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